Source code for cosmoglobe.plot.traceplot

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from .plottools import *
from cosmoglobe.h5.chain import Chain

[docs]def trace( input, dataset=None, sig=0, labels=None, showval=True, display_prec=2, burnin=0, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, nbins=None, cmap="tab10", figsize=(8, 3), darkmode=False, sub=None, hold=False, reuse_axes=False, ): """ Make a trace plot of a quantity over gibbs samples Parameters ---------- input : ndarray, fits file path or cosmoglobe model object Map data input given as numpy array either 1d or index given by 'sig'. Also supports fits-file path string or cosmoglobe model. If cosmoglobe object is passed such as 'model', specify comp or freq. dataset : str, optional if passing hdf5 file, specify dataset default: None sig : str or int, optional Specify which signal to plot if ndim>1. default: None labels : list of str, optional List of strings to use as labels for each of the components default: None showval : bool, optional display the mean and stddev of the distribution next to label default: True display_prec : int, optional sets precision of the mean and stddev of distribution. default: 2 burnin : int, optional Number of burnin samples, used in calculating mean and stddev values default: 0 xlabel : str, optional label x axis default: None ylabel : str, optional label y axis default: None nbins : int, optional, number of bins default: None cmap : str, optional Colormap (ex. sunburst, planck, jet). Both matplotliib and cmasher available as of now. Also supports qualitative plotly map, [ex. q-Plotly-4 (q for qualitative 4 for max color)] Sets planck as default. default: None figsize : touple, optional size of figure default: None darkmode : bool, optional turn all axis elements white for optimal dark visualization default: False sub : int, scalar or sequence, optional Use only a zone of the current figure (same syntax as subbplot). Default: None hold : bool, optional If True, replace the current Axes by a MollweideAxes. use this if you want to have multiple maps on the same figure. Default: False reuse_axes : bool, optional If True, reuse the current Axes (should be a MollweideAxes). This is useful if you want to overplot with a partially transparent colormap, such as for plotting a line integral convolution. Default: False """ chain = None if isinstance(input, str): if input.endswith(".h5") and dataset is not None: chain = Chain(input) if ylabel == None: ylabel = dataset # component, *items = dataset.split("/") input = chain.get(dataset) # Make figure fig, ax = make_fig( figsize, None, hold, sub, reuse_axes, darkmode, ) if input.ndim < 2: input.reshape(-1, 1, 1) elif chain is None and input.ndim == 2: input = input[:, np.newaxis, :] elif input.ndim == 2: input = input[:, :, np.newaxis] Nsamp, Nsig, Ncomp = input.shape cmap = load_cmap(cmap) positions = legend_positions( input[:, sig, :], ) for i in range(Ncomp): plt.plot( input[:, sig, i], color=cmap(i), linewidth=2, ) # Add the text to the right if labels is not None: hpos = Nsamp * 1.01 plt.text( hpos, positions[i], rf"{labels[i]}", color=cmap(i), fontweight="normal", ) if showval: mean = np.mean(input[burnin:, sig, i]) std = np.std(input[burnin:, sig, i]) label2 = rf"{mean:.{display_prec}f}$\pm${std:.{display_prec}f}" valpos = Nsamp * 1.01 if labels is None else Nsamp * 1.1 plt.text(valpos, positions[i], label2, color=cmap(i), fontweight="normal") ax.set_xlim(right=Nsamp) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) # Tick and spine parameters ax.spines["top"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["right"].set_visible(False) ax.tick_params(axis="both", which="both", direction="in") plt.yticks( rotation=90, va="center", ) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0.0, right=1) plt.tight_layout()