Source code for cosmoglobe.plot.spectrum

from matplotlib import rcParams
import matplotlib.patheffects as path_effects
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from cycler import cycler

import healpy as hp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from .plottools import *

from import Unit

# CO is currently hardcoded
# Make better custom band selection

[docs]def spec( model, pol=False, sky_fractions=(25, 85), xlim=(0.25, 4000), figsize=None, fraction=1, labelsize=11, comp_labelsize=9, band_labelsize=8, extend=True, darkmode=False, ame_polfrac=0.006, haslam=True, chipass=True, spass=True, cbass=True, quijote=False, wmap=True, planck=True, dirbe=True, litebird=False, custom_bands=None, include_co=True, add_error=True, fsky_pos=500, component_options=None, text_offset=2, ): """ Generates RMS intensity plot for components in model. `model = cosmoglobe.model_from_chain(chain, nside=64, components=["synch", "ff", "ame", "dust", "radio"])` `spec(model)` Parameters ---------- model : cosmoglobe Model object Object containing all sky components to be visualized pol : bool, optional Plot polarization instead of intensity default = None (temperature) sky_fractions : touple, optional Min and max sky fractions for thickness of lines default: (25,85) xlim : touple, optional The limits of the x axis default: (0.25, 4000) figsize : touple, optional size of figure. This is automatically set by extend. default : None fraction : float, optional Sets the figsize to be a fraction of a latex document default : None labelsize : float, Fontsize of ticklabels and axislabels default : 11 comp_labelsize : float, Fontsize of component labels default : 9 band_labelsize : float, Fontsize of frequency band labels default : 8 extend: bool, optional Increases the xlimit and includes an additional subplot on top default: True darkmode : bool, optional Set True to turn all frame elements white for black background viewing. default: False ame_polfrac: float, optional Set the polarization fraction of AME with a scale factor. default: 0.006 haslam : bool, optional Toggle this observation column default: True chipass : bool, optional Toggle this observation column default: True spass : bool, optional Toggle this observation column default: True cbass : bool, optional Toggle this observation column default: True quijote : bool, optional Toggle this observation column default: False wmap : bool, optional Toggle this observation column default: True planck : bool, optional Toggle this observation column default: True dirbe : bool, optional Toggle this observation column default: True litebird : bool, optional Toggle this observation column default: False custom_bands : bool, optional TODO: NOT IMPLEMENTED, toggle specific bands default: None include_co : bool, optional Turn off CO lines default: True add_error : bool, optional Toggle added uncertainty to low S/N part of spectrum. default: True fsky_pos : float, optional Frequency position of f_sky labels default : 900 component_options : dict, optional Allows for overriding dictionary that sets all the properties of components. Such as {"dust":{"position":30, "label": "Thing", "linestyle": ":"}} default : None text_offset : float, optional Text offset from lines default : 5 """ if fraction is not None: figsize = get_figure_width(fraction=fraction) set_style(darkmode, font="serif") # rcParams.update(figparams) black = "k" if darkmode: brokecol = "white" grey = "#C0C0C0" else: brokecol = black grey = "#A3A3A3" colors = [ "#636EFA", "#EF553B", "#00CC96", "#AB63FA", "#FFA15A", "#19D3F3", "#FF6692", "#B6E880", "#FF97FF", "#FECB52", grey, ] rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"] = cycler(color=colors) rcParams["ytick.right"] = True blue, red, green, purple, orange, teal, lightred, lightgreen, pink, yellow, grey = ( "C0", "C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C5", "C6", "C7", "C8", "C9", "C10", ) # plt.rcParams.update(plt.rcParamsDefault) # Plot polarization or temperature sig = 1 if pol else 0 # Set x and y limits if extended and pol if xlim == (0.25, 4000): if not extend: xlim = (9, 1500) xmin, xmax = xlim ymin, ymax = (0.05, 7e2) if not pol else (1.001e-3, 2e2) ymin2, ymax2 = (ymax + 100, 1e7) figsize = get_figure_width(fraction=fraction) if figsize is None else figsize if extend: ratio = 5 # Make subplot on top at 5:1 ratio fig, (ax2, ax) = plt.subplots( 2, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(figsize[0], figsize[1]), gridspec_kw={"height_ratios": [1, ratio]}, ) aspect_ratio = figsize[0] / figsize[1] * 1.25 # Correct for ratio ax2.spines["bottom"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["top"].set_visible(False) ax2.tick_params(labelbottom=False) ax2.xaxis.set_ticks_position("none") # ---- Adding broken axis lines ---- d = 0.005 # how big to make the diagonal lines in axes coordinates kwargs = dict(transform=ax2.transAxes, color=brokecol, clip_on=False, linewidth=1) ax2.plot((-d, +d), (-d * ratio, +d * ratio), **kwargs) # top-left diagonal ax2.plot((1 - d, 1 + d), (-d * ratio, +d * ratio), **kwargs) # top-right diagonal kwargs.update(transform=ax.transAxes) # switch to the bottom axes ax.plot((-d, +d), (1 - d, 1 + d), **kwargs) # bottom-left diagonal ax.plot((1 - d, 1 + d), (1 - d, 1 + d), **kwargs) # bottom-right diagonal else: ymax2 = ymax ymin2 = ymax fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=figsize) aspect_ratio = figsize[0] / figsize[1] # Spectrum parameters N = 1000 nu = np.logspace(np.log10(0.1), np.log10(5000), N) seds = seds_from_model(nu, model, pol=pol, sky_fractions=sky_fractions) # Get parameters for each component line foregrounds = get_foregrounds(pol, extend) if component_options is not None: # Loop over nested dictionary for optional arguments for comp_ in component_options: foregrounds[comp_].update(component_options[comp_]) # Looping over foregrounds and calculating spectra i = 0 for comp in foregrounds.keys(): if comp.startswith("co") and include_co: # get closest thing to ref freq foregrounds[comp]["params"][2], line_idx = find_nearest(nu, foregrounds[comp]["params"][2]) foregrounds[comp]["spectrum"] = np.zeros((2, len(sky_fractions), N)) foregrounds[comp]["spectrum"][sig][0][line_idx] = foregrounds[comp]["params"][0] foregrounds[comp]["spectrum"][sig][1][line_idx] = foregrounds[comp]["params"][1] if comp.startswith("bb"): a = 0.67 * 1e-1 if comp.endswith("2") else 0.67 * 1e-2 sed = np.zeros((2, len(sky_fractions), N)) cmb_blackbody = (np.ones(len(nu)) * Unit("uK_CMB")).to("uK_RJ", equivalencies=cmb_equivalencies(nu * u.GHz)) sed[1] = a * cmb_blackbody foregrounds[comp]["spectrum"] = sed if comp in seds.keys(): foregrounds[comp]["spectrum"] = seds[comp] else: continue if pol and comp == "ame": foregrounds[comp]["spectrum"][1] = ame_polfrac * foregrounds[comp]["spectrum"][0] if add_error and not comp.startswith("co") and not comp.startswith("bb") and not comp.startswith("cmb"): thresh = 0.1 alpha = 0.5 foregrounds[comp]["spectrum"][sig][0] = foregrounds[comp]["spectrum"][sig][0] * (1 - np.exp(-(abs(foregrounds[comp]["spectrum"][sig][0] / thresh) ** alpha))) foregrounds[comp]["spectrum"][sig][1] = foregrounds[comp]["spectrum"][sig][1] / (1 - np.exp(-(abs(foregrounds[comp]["spectrum"][sig][1] / thresh) ** alpha))) foregrounds[comp]["spectrum"][sig][0][np.isnan(foregrounds[comp]["spectrum"][sig][0])] = 0 foregrounds[comp]["spectrum"][sig][1][np.isnan(foregrounds[comp]["spectrum"][sig][1])] = 0 if foregrounds[comp]["sum"] and foregrounds[comp]["spectrum"] is not None: if i == 0: foregrounds["sumfg"]["spectrum"] = foregrounds[comp]["spectrum"].copy() else: foregrounds["sumfg"]["spectrum"] += foregrounds[comp]["spectrum"] i += 1 # ---- Plotting foregrounds and labels ---- j = 0 for comp, params in foregrounds.items(): # Plot all fgs except sumf if params["spectrum"] is None and not comp.startswith("co"): continue if params["gradient"]: k = 1 gradient_fill_between( ax, nu, params["spectrum"][sig][1] * 1e-2, params["spectrum"][sig][1], color=params["color"], ) else: if comp == "sumfg": ax.loglog( nu, params["spectrum"][sig][1], linestyle=params["linestyle"], linewidth=1.5, color=params["color"], ) if extend: ax2.loglog( nu, params["spectrum"][sig][1], linestyle=params["linestyle"], linewidth=1.5, color=params["color"], ) k = 1 try: ax.loglog( nu, params["spectrum"][sig][0], linestyle=params["linestyle"], linewidth=1.5, color=params["color"], ) if extend: ax2.loglog( nu, params["spectrum"][sig][0], linestyle=params["linestyle"], linewidth=1.5, color=params["color"], ) k = 1 except: pass elif comp.startswith("co"): if include_co: ax.loglog( [params["params"][2], params["params"][2]], [ max(params["spectrum"][sig][0]), max(params["spectrum"][sig][1]), ], linestyle=params["linestyle"], linewidth=2, color=params["color"], zorder=1000, ) k = 1 else: continue else: if comp == "cmb": ax.loglog( nu, params["spectrum"][sig][0], linestyle=params["linestyle"], linewidth=2, color=params["color"], ) if extend: ax2.loglog( nu, params["spectrum"][sig][0], linestyle=params["linestyle"], linewidth=4, color=params["color"], ) k = 0 else: ax.fill_between( nu, params["spectrum"][sig][1], params["spectrum"][sig][0], color=params["color"], alpha=0.8, ) if extend: ax2.fill_between( nu, params["spectrum"][sig][1], params["spectrum"][sig][0], color=params["color"], alpha=0.8, ) k = 1 if comp.startswith("co") and include_co: ax.text( foregrounds[comp]["params"][2], np.max(params["spectrum"][sig][k]) * 0.5, params["label"], color=params["color"], alpha=0.7, ha="right", va="center", rotation=90, fontsize=comp_labelsize, path_effects=[path_effects.withSimplePatchShadow(alpha=0.8, offset=(0.3, -0.3))], zorder=1000, ) else: # Label each component with rotation x0, y0, rotation = rotate_label( nu, params["spectrum"][sig][k], params["position"], (xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax), aspect_ratio, ) _text_offset = text_offset * 1.5 if comp == "sumfg" else text_offset ax.annotate( params["label"], xy=(x0, y0), xytext=(0, _text_offset), textcoords="offset pixels", rotation=rotation, rotation_mode="anchor", fontsize=comp_labelsize, color=params["color"], path_effects=[ path_effects.withSimplePatchShadow(alpha=0.8, offset=(0.3, -0.3)), ], horizontalalignment="center", ) if comp == "dust": # Label the sky-fraction around the dust line x0, y0, rotation = rotate_label( nu, params["spectrum"][sig][1], fsky_pos, (xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax), aspect_ratio, ) ax.annotate( r"$f_{\mathrm{sky}}=" + "{:d}".format(int(sky_fractions[1])) + "\%$", rotation=rotation, rotation_mode="anchor", xy=(x0, y0), ha="center", va="bottom", fontsize=comp_labelsize, color=grey, xytext=(0, text_offset), textcoords="offset pixels", path_effects=[ path_effects.withSimplePatchShadow(alpha=0.8, offset=(0.3, -0.3)), ], ) x0, y0, rotation = rotate_label( nu, params["spectrum"][sig][0], fsky_pos, (xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax), aspect_ratio, ) ax.annotate( r"$f_{\mathrm{sky}}=" + "{:d}".format(int(sky_fractions[0])) + "\%$", rotation=rotation, rotation_mode="anchor", xy=(x0, y0), ha="center", va="top", fontsize=comp_labelsize, color=grey, xytext=(0, -text_offset), textcoords="offset pixels", path_effects=[ path_effects.withSimplePatchShadow(alpha=0.8, offset=(0.3, -0.3)), ], ) # ---- Data band ranges ---- if extend: yscaletext = 0.70 yscaletextup = 1.2 else: yscaletextup = 1.03 yscaletext = 0.90 if custom_bands is not None: """ TODO: Make it easier to specify which bands to include """ pass if isinstance(planck, bool): planck = [planck] * 9 if isinstance(wmap, bool): wmap = [wmap] * 5 # TODO add these as args? # fmt: off databands = { "Haslam": { "0.408\nHaslam": { "pol": False, "show": haslam, "position": [0.408, ymin * yscaletextup], "range": [0.406, 0.410], "color": purple, } }, "S-PASS": { "2.303\nS-PASS": { "pol": True, "show": spass, "position": [2.35, ymax2 * yscaletext], "range": [2.1, 2.4], "color": green, } }, "C-BASS": { "5.0\nC-BASS": { "pol": True, "show": cbass, "position": [5.0, ymax2 * yscaletext], "range": [4.0, 6.0], "color": blue, } }, "CHI-PASS": { "1.394\nCHI-PASS": { "pol": False, "show": chipass, "position": [1.3945, ymin * yscaletextup], "range": [1.3945 - 0.064 / 2, 1.3945 + 0.064 / 2], "color": lightred, } }, "QUIJOTE": { "11\nQUIJOTE": { "pol": True, "show": quijote, "position": [11, ymax2 * yscaletext], "range": [10.0, 12.0], "color": red,}, "13": { "pol": True, "show": quijote, "position": [13, ymax2 * yscaletext], "range": [12.0, 14.0], "color": red,}, "17": { "pol": True, "show": quijote, "position": [17, ymax2 * yscaletext], "range": [16.0, 18.0], "color": red,}, "19": { "pol": True, "show": quijote, "position": [20, ymax2 * yscaletext], "range": [18.0, 21.0], "color": red,}, ".\n31": { "pol": True, "show": quijote, "position": [31, ymax2 * yscaletext], "range": [26.0, 36.0], "color": red,}, ".\n41": { "pol": True, "show": quijote, "position": [42, ymax2 * yscaletext], "range": [35.0, 47.0], "color": red,}, }, "Planck": { "30": { "pol": True, "show": planck[0], "position": [28, ymax2 * yscaletext], "range": [23.9, 34.5], "color": orange,}, # Planck 30 "44": { "pol": True, "show": planck[1], "position": [44, ymax2 * yscaletext], "range": [39, 50], "color": orange,}, # Planck 44 "70": { "pol": True, "show": planck[2], "position": [70, ymax2 * yscaletext], "range": [60, 78], "color": orange,}, # Planck 70 "100": { "pol": True, "show": planck[3], "position": [100, ymax2 * yscaletext], "range": [82, 120], "color": orange,}, # Planck 100 "143": { "pol": True, "show": planck[4], "position": [145, ymax2 * yscaletext], "range": [125, 170], "color": orange,}, # Planck 143 "217": { "pol": True, "show": planck[5], "position": [217, ymax2 * yscaletext], "range": [180, 265], "color": orange,}, # Planck 217 "353": { "pol": True, "show": planck[6], "position": [350, ymax2 * yscaletext], "range": [300, 430], "color": orange,}, # Planck 353 "545": { "pol": False, "show": planck[7], "position": [540, ymax2 * yscaletext], "range": [450, 650], "color": orange,}, # Planck 545 "857": { "pol": False, "show": planck[8], "position": [850, ymax2 * yscaletext], "range": [700, 1020], "color": orange,}, }, # Planck 857 "DIRBE": { "DIRBE\n1250": { "pol": False, "show": dirbe, "position": [1200, ymin * yscaletextup], "range": [1000, 1540], "color": red,}, # DIRBE 1250 "2140": { "pol": False, "show": dirbe, "position": [1900, ymin * yscaletextup], "range": [1780, 2500], "color": red,}, # DIRBE 2140 "3000": { "pol": False, "show": dirbe, "position": [3000, ymin * yscaletextup], "range": [2600, 3500], "color": red,}, }, # DIRBE 3000 "WMAP": { "K": { "pol": True, "show": wmap[0], "position": [23, ymin * yscaletextup], "range": [21, 25.5], "color": teal,}, "Ka": { "pol": True, "show": wmap[1], "position": [33, ymin * yscaletextup], "range": [30, 37], "color": teal,}, "Q": { "pol": True, "show": wmap[2], "position": [41.0, ymin * yscaletextup], "range": [38, 45], "color": teal,}, "V": { "pol": True, "show": wmap[3], "position": [60.0, ymin * yscaletextup], "range": [54, 68], "color": teal,}, "W": { "pol": True, "show": wmap[4], "position": [90.0, ymin * yscaletextup], "range": [84, 106], "color": teal,}, }, "LiteBIRD": { "40": { "pol": True, "show": litebird, "position": [40, ymax2 * yscaletext], "range": [34, 46], "color": red,}, "50": { "pol": True, "show": litebird, "position": [50, ymax2 * yscaletext], "range": [43, 57], "color": red,}, "60": { "pol": True, "show": litebird, "position": [60, ymax2 * yscaletext], "range": [53, 67], "color": red,}, "68": { "pol": True, "show": litebird, "position": [68, ymax2 * yscaletext], "range": [60, 76], "color": red,}, "78": { "pol": True, "show": litebird, "position": [78, ymax2 * yscaletext], "range": [69, 87], "color": red,}, "89": { "pol": True, "show": litebird, "position": [89, ymax2 * yscaletext], "range": [79, 99], "color": red,}, "100": { "pol": True, "show": litebird, "position": [100, ymax2 * yscaletext], "range": [89, 111], "color": red,}, "119": { "pol": True, "show": litebird, "position": [119, ymax2 * yscaletext], "range": [101, 137], "color": red,}, "140": { "pol": True, "show": litebird, "position": [140, ymax2 * yscaletext], "range": [119, 161], "color": red,}, "166": { "pol": True, "show": litebird, "position": [166, ymax2 * yscaletext], "range": [141, 191], "color": red,}, "195": { "pol": True, "show": litebird, "position": [195, ymax2 * yscaletext], "range": [165, 225], "color": red,}, "235": { "pol": True, "show": litebird, "position": [235, ymax2 * yscaletext], "range": [200, 270], "color": red,}, "280": { "pol": True, "show": litebird, "position": [280, ymax2 * yscaletext], "range": [238, 322], "color": red,}, "337": { "pol": True, "show": litebird, "position": [337, ymax2 * yscaletext], "range": [287, 387], "color": red,}, "402\nLiteBIRD": { "pol": True, "show": litebird, "position": [402, ymax2 * yscaletext], "range": [356, 458], "color": red,}, }, } # fmt: on # If band is not included, label another band: if planck[4]: oldkey = list(databands["Planck"].keys())[3] else: for i in [3, 2, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8]: if planck[i]: oldkey = list(databands["Planck"].keys())[i] break newkey = oldkey + "\nPlanck" databands["Planck"][newkey] = databands["Planck"].pop(oldkey) # Same for wmap if wmap[1]: oldkey = list(databands["WMAP"].keys())[1] else: for i in [1, 2, 0, 3, 4]: if planck[i]: oldkey = list(databands["Planck"].keys())[i] break newkey = "WMAP\n" + oldkey databands["WMAP"][newkey] = databands["WMAP"].pop(oldkey) # Set databands from dictonary for experiment, bands in databands.items(): for label, band in bands.items(): if band["show"]: # if label == "353" and not pol: continue # SPECIFIC FOR BP SETUP if pol and not band["pol"]: continue # Skip non-polarization bands if band["position"][0] >= xmax or band["position"][0] <= xmin: continue # Skip databands outside range va = "bottom" if experiment in ["WMAP", "CHI-PASS", "DIRBE", "Haslam"] else "top" # VA for WMAP on bottom ha = ( "center" if experiment in [ "Planck", "WMAP", "DIRBE", ] else "center" ) ax.axvspan(*band["range"], color=band["color"], alpha=0.3, zorder=-20, label=experiment) if extend: ax2.axvspan(*band["range"], color=band["color"], alpha=0.3, zorder=-20, label=experiment) if experiment in ["WMAP", "CHI-PASS", "DIRBE", "Haslam"]: ax.text(*band["position"], label, color=band["color"], va=va, ha=ha, size=band_labelsize, path_effects=[path_effects.withSimplePatchShadow(alpha=0.8, offset=(0.3, -0.3))]) else: ax2.text(*band["position"], label, color=band["color"], va=va, ha=ha, size=band_labelsize, path_effects=[path_effects.withSimplePatchShadow(alpha=0.8, offset=(0.3, -0.3))]) else: ax.text(*band["position"], label, color=band["color"], va=va, ha=ha, size=band_labelsize, path_effects=[path_effects.withSimplePatchShadow(alpha=0.8, offset=(0.3, -0.3))]) # ---- Axis stuff ---- xticks = [] xticks_ = [0.3, 1, 3, 10, 30, 100, 300, 1000, 3000] for i, xtick in enumerate(xticks_): if xtick >= xmin and xtick <= xmax: xticks.append(xtick) yticks = [] yticks_ = [0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000] for i, ytick in enumerate(yticks_): if ytick >= ymin and ytick <= ymax: yticks.append(ytick) ax.set( xscale="log", yscale="log", ylim=(ymin, ymax), xlim=(xmin, xmax), yticks=yticks, yticklabels=yticks, xticks=xticks, xticklabels=xticks, ) formatter = ticker.FuncFormatter(fmt) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) ax.tick_params(axis="both", which="both", labelsize=labelsize, direction="in") ax.tick_params( axis="y", labelrotation=90, labelsize=labelsize, ) if extend: ax2.set( xscale="log", yscale="log", ylim=(ymin2, ymax2), xlim=(xmin, xmax), xticks=xticks, xticklabels=xticks, ) ax2.yaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) ax2.tick_params(axis="both", which="both", labelsize=labelsize, direction="in") ax2.tick_params( axis="y", labelrotation=90, labelsize=labelsize, ) ax2.set_yticklabels( [fmt(x, 1) for x in ax2.get_yticks()], fontsize=labelsize, va="center", ) # Why do i have to do this? ax.set_yticklabels( [fmt(x, 1) for x in ax.get_yticks()], fontsize=labelsize, va="center", ) ax.set_xticklabels([fmt(x, 1) for x in ax.get_xticks()], fontsize=labelsize) # Axis labels sax = fig.add_subplot(111, frameon=False) sax.tick_params( labelcolor="none", top=False, bottom=False, left=True, right=False, width=0.0, ) sax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{RMS\ amplitude\ [}\mu\mathrm{K}_{\mathrm{RJ}}\mathrm{]}$", fontsize=labelsize, labelpad=0) sax.set_xlabel(r"$\mathrm{Frequency\ [GHz]}$", fontsize=labelsize) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.0, hspace=0.02)
[docs]def rotate_label(x, y, pos, xrange, yrange, aspect_ratio): """ This function takes a line and calculates position and rotation for a label on top of it. Takes into account logspace etc. """ x0, idx1 = find_nearest(x, pos) idx2 = idx1 + 2 x1 = x[idx2] y0 = y[idx1] y1 = y[idx2] datascaling = np.log(xrange[0] / xrange[1]) / np.log(yrange[0] / yrange[1]) rotator = datascaling / aspect_ratio alpha = np.arctan(np.log(y1 / y0) / np.log(x1 / x0) * rotator) rotation = np.rad2deg(alpha) # *rotator return x0, y0, rotation
[docs]def get_foregrounds(pol, extend): """ This function grabs a dictionary of the default component values used for the spectrum plotting style. Override this by passing the component_option dictionary to spec """ if pol: p = 0.6 if extend else 15 sd = 2 if extend else 70 return { "synch": { "label": "Synchrotron", "params": [], "position": 20, "color": "C2", "sum": True, "linestyle": "solid", "gradient": False, "spectrum": None, }, "dust": { "label": "Thermal Dust", "params": [], "position": 250, "color": "C1", "sum": True, "linestyle": "solid", "gradient": False, "spectrum": None, }, "sumfg": { "label": "Sum fg.", "params": [], "position": 70, "color": "C10", "sum": False, "linestyle": "--", "gradient": False, "spectrum": None, }, "bb-2": { "label": r"BB $r=10^{-2}$", "params": [ 0.01, "BB", ], "position": p, "color": "C10", "sum": False, "linestyle": "dotted", "gradient": True, "spectrum": None, }, "bb-4": { "label": r"BB $r=10^{-4}$", "params": [ 1e-4, "BB", ], "position": p, "color": "C10", "sum": False, "linestyle": "dotted", "gradient": True, "spectrum": None, }, "cmb": { "label": "CMB EE", "params": [1, "EE"], "position": p, "color": "C5", "sum": False, "linestyle": "solid", "gradient": False, "spectrum": None, }, "ame": { "label": "Spinning Dust", "params": [], "position": sd, "color": "C4", "sum": True, "linestyle": "solid", "gradient": True, "spectrum": None, }, } else: p = 3 if extend else 65 td = 10 if extend else 17 return { "dust": { "label": "Thermal Dust", "params": [], "position": td, "color": "C1", "sum": True, "linestyle": "solid", "gradient": False, "spectrum": None, }, "ff": { "label": "Free-Free", "params": [], "position": 50, "color": "C0", "sum": True, "linestyle": "solid", "gradient": False, "spectrum": None, }, "ame": { "label": "Spinning Dust", "params": [], "position": p, "color": "C4", "sum": True, "linestyle": "solid", "gradient": False, "spectrum": None, }, "synch": { "label": "Synchrotron", "params": [], "position": 170, "color": "C2", "sum": True, "linestyle": "solid", "gradient": False, "spectrum": None, }, "co10": { "label": r"CO$_{1\rightarrow 0}$", "params": [0.5, 8, 115, 11.06], "position": p, "color": "C9", "sum": True, "linestyle": "solid", "gradient": False, "spectrum": None, }, "co21": { "label": r"CO$_{2\rightarrow 1}$", "params": [0.3, 5, 230.0, 14.01], "position": p, "color": "C9", "sum": True, "linestyle": "solid", "gradient": False, "spectrum": None, }, "co32": { "label": r"CO$_{3\rightarrow 2}$", "params": [0.3, 1, 345.0, 12.24], "position": p, "color": "C9", "sum": True, "linestyle": "solid", "gradient": False, "spectrum": None, }, "sumfg": { "label": "Sum fg.", "params": [], "position": 25, "color": "C10", "sum": False, "linestyle": "--", "gradient": False, "spectrum": None, }, "cmb": { "label": "CMB", "params": [1.0, "TT"], "position": 70, "color": "C5", "sum": False, "linestyle": "solid", "gradient": False, "spectrum": None, }, }