Source code for cosmoglobe.plot.skymap

import warnings
import os

from rich import print
import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from .plottools import *
from .temp_newvisufunc import projview as temp_projview

# Fix for macos openMP duplicate bug
os.environ["KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK"] = "True"

[docs]@u.quantity_input(freq=u.Hz, fwhm=(u.arcmin, u.rad, u.deg)) def plot( input, *, sig=0, comp=None, freq=None, ticks=None, min=None, max=None, rng=None, cbar=True, unit=None, fwhm=0.0 * u.arcmin, nside=None, sample=-1, mask=None, maskfill=None, cmap=None, norm=None, norm_dict=None, remove_dip=False, remove_mono=False, title=None, rlabel=None, llabel=None, width=None, fraction=1, xsize=1000, darkmode=False, rot=None, coord=None, nest=False, flip="astro", graticule=False, graticule_labels=False, return_only_data=False, projection_type="mollweide", cb_orientation="horizontal", xlabel=None, ylabel=None, longitude_grid_spacing=60, latitude_grid_spacing=30, override_plot_properties=None, xtick_label_color="black", ytick_label_color="black", graticule_color=None, fontsize=None, phi_convention="counterclockwise", custom_xtick_labels=None, custom_ytick_labels=None, ratio=None, extend=None, return_figure=False, scale=1, **kwargs, ): """ General plotting function for healpix maps. This function is a wrapper on healpys projview function with some added features. Features added in addition to existing projview features include: - direct plotting from model object, fits file or numpy array. - simple map operations such as smoothing, ud_grading, masking - removing dipole or monopoles - Predefined plotting parameters for specific components for nice formatting Parameters ---------- input : ndarray, fits file path or cosmoglobe model object Map data input given as numpy array either 1d or index given by 'sig'. Also supports fits-file path string or cosmoglobe model. If cosmoglobe object is passed such as 'model', specify comp or freq. sig : str or int, optional Specify which signal to plot if ndim>1. default: None comp : string, optional Component label for automatic identification of plotting parameters based on information from autoparams.json default: None freq : astropy GHz, optional frequency in GHz needed for scaling maps when using a model object input default: None ticks : list or str, optional Min and max value for data. If None, uses 97.5th percentile. default: None min : float, optional The minimum range value. If specified, overwrites autodetector. default: None max : float, optional The maximum range value. If specified, overwrites autodetector. default: None rng : float, optional Sets this value as min and max value. If specified, overwrites autodetector. default: None cbar : bool, optional Toggles the colorbar cbar : True fwhm : astropy arcmin/rad/deg, optional Optional map smoothing. FWHM of gaussian smoothing in arcmin. default: 0.0 mask : str path or np.ndarray, optional Apply a mask file to data default: None cmap : str, optional Colormap (ex. sunburst, planck, jet). Both matplotliib and cmasher available as of now. Also supports qualitative plotly map, [ex. q-Plotly-4 (q for qualitative 4 for max color)] Sets planck as default. default: None norm : {'hist', 'log', 'symlog', 'symlog2', None} Color normalization: hist = histogram equalized color mapping. log = logarithmic color mapping. symlog = symmetric logarithmic, linear between -linthresh and linthresh. symlog2 = similar to symlog, used for plack log colormap. default: None (linear color mapping) norm_dict : dict, optionals Parameters for normalization: default is set to {"linthresh": 1, "base": 10, "linscale": 0.1} where linthresh determines the linear regime of symlog norm, and linscale sets the size of the linear regime on the cbar. default: None remove_dip : bool, optional If mdmask is specified, fits and removes a dipole. default: True remove_mono : bool, optional If mdmask is specified, fits and removes a monopole. default: True unit : str, optional Unit label for colorbar default: None title : str, optional Sets the full figure title. Has LaTeX functionaliity (ex. $A_{s}$.) default: None rlabel : str, optional Sets the upper right title. Has LaTeX functionaliity (ex. $A_{s}$.) default: None llabel : str, optional Sets the upper left title. Has LaTeX functionaliity (ex. $A_{s}$.) default: None width : float, optional Size in inches default is half latex page, see fraction. default: None fraction : float, optional Fraction of latex page width. default : 1 darkmode : bool, optional Plots all outlines in white for dark backgrounds, and adds 'dark' in filename. default: False rot : scalar or sequence, optional Describe the rotation to apply. In the form (lon, lat, psi) (unit: degrees) : the point at longitude *lon* and latitude *lat* will be at the center. An additional rotation of angle *psi* around this direction is applied. coord : sequence of character, optional Either one of 'G', 'E' or 'C' to describe the coordinate system of the map, or a sequence of 2 of these to rotate the map from the first to the second coordinate system. nest : bool, optional If True, ordering scheme is NESTED. Default: False (RING) flip : {'astro', 'geo'}, optional Defines the convention of projection : 'astro' (default, east towards left, west towards right) or 'geo' (east towards roght, west towards left) It creates the `healpy_flip` attribute on the Axes to save the convention in the figure. graticule : bool add graticule graticule_labels : bool longitude and latitude labels return_only_data : bool Return figure projection_type : {'aitoff', 'hammer', 'lambert', 'mollweide', 'cart', '3d', 'polar'} type of the plot cb_orientation : {'horizontal', 'vertical'} color bar orientation xlabel : str set x axis label ylabel : str set y axis label longitude_grid_spacing : float set x axis grid spacing latitude_grid_spacing : float set y axis grid spacing override_plot_properties : dict Override the following plot proporties: 'cbar_shrink', 'cbar_pad', 'cbar_label_pad', 'figure_width': width, 'figure_size_ratio': ratio. lcolor : str change the color of the longitude tick labels, some color maps make it hard to read black tick labels fontsize: dict Override fontsize of labels: 'xlabel', 'ylabel', 'title', 'xtick_label', 'ytick_label', 'cbar_label', 'cbar_tick_label'. default = None phi_convention : string convention on x-axis (phi), 'counterclockwise' (default), 'clockwise', 'symmetrical' (phi as it is truly given) if `flip` is 'geo', `phi_convention` should be set to 'clockwise'. custom_xtick_labels : list override x-axis tick labels custom_ytick_labels : list override y-axis tick labels scale : float rescales data by factor scale kwargs : keywords passed to projview """ if not fontsize: fontsize = DEFAULT_FONTSIZES else: fontsize_ = DEFAULT_FONTSIZES.copy() for key in fontsize.keys(): fontsize_[key] = fontsize[key] fontsize = fontsize_ # Get figure width from page fraction if width is None: figsize = get_figure_width(fraction=fraction) width = figsize[0] set_style(darkmode) # Translate sig to correct format if isinstance(sig, str): sig = STOKES.index(sig) # Get data m, comp, freq, nside = get_data(input, sig, comp, freq, fwhm, nside=nside, sample=sample, scale=scale, remove_dip=remove_dip, remove_mono=remove_mono) m = if mask is not None: if isinstance(mask, str): mask = hp.read_map(mask) if hp.get_nside(mask) != nside: print("[magenta]Input mask nside is different, ud_grading to output nside.[/magenta]") mask = hp.ud_grade(mask, nside) m.mask = np.logical_not(mask) # Pass all your arguments in, return parsed plotting parameters params = get_params( data=m, comp=comp, sig=sig, rlabel=rlabel, llabel=llabel, unit=unit, ticks=ticks, min=min, max=max, rng=rng, norm=norm, norm_dict=norm_dict, cmap=cmap, freq_ref=freq, width=width, nside=nside, ) # Colormap cmap = load_cmap(params["cmap"]) if maskfill: cmap.set_bad(maskfill) if override_plot_properties is None: override_plot_properties = {"cbar_tick_direction": "in"} warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") # Healpy complains too much # Plot figure ret = temp_projview( params["data"], min=np.min(params["ticks"]), max=np.max(params["ticks"]), cbar_ticks=params["ticks"], cbar=cbar, cmap=cmap, unit=params["unit"], llabel=params["llabel"], rlabel=params["rlabel"], norm=params["norm"], norm_dict=params["norm_dict"], override_plot_properties=override_plot_properties, show_tickmarkers=True, width=width, # unedited params xsize=xsize, title=title, rot=rot, coord=coord, nest=nest, flip=flip, graticule=graticule, graticule_labels=graticule_labels, return_only_data=return_only_data, projection_type=projection_type, cb_orientation=cb_orientation, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, longitude_grid_spacing=longitude_grid_spacing, latitude_grid_spacing=latitude_grid_spacing, xtick_label_color=xtick_label_color, ytick_label_color=ytick_label_color, graticule_color=graticule_color, fontsize=fontsize, phi_convention=phi_convention, custom_xtick_labels=custom_xtick_labels, custom_ytick_labels=custom_ytick_labels, extend=extend, **kwargs ) if return_figure: return ret, params