Source code for cosmoglobe.plot.gnomonic

import healpy as hp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from functools import partial
from .plottools import *

[docs]@u.quantity_input(freq=u.Hz, fwhm=(u.arcmin, u.rad, u.deg)) def gnom( input, lon=0, lat=0, comp=None, sig=0, freq=None, nside=None, size=20, sample=-1, min=None, max=None, ticks=None, rng=None, llabel=None, rlabel=None, unit=None, cmap=None, graticule=False, norm=None, cbar=True, cbar_pad=0.0, cbar_shrink=1, fwhm=0.0 * u.arcmin, remove_dip=False, remove_mono=False, fontsize=None, figsize=(3, 4), xsize=1000, darkmode=False, sub=None, hold=False, reuse_axes=False, ): """ Gnomonic view plotting Parameters ---------- input : ndarray, fits file path or cosmoglobe model object Map data input given as numpy array either 1d or index given by 'sig'. Also supports fits-file path string or cosmoglobe model. If cosmoglobe object is passed such as 'model', specify comp or freq. lon : float Longitude coordinate of the center of the figure in galactic coordinates default: 0 lat : float Latitude coordinate of the center of the figure in galactic coordinates default: 0 sig : str or int, optional Specify which signal to plot if ndim>1. default: None comp : string, optional Component label for automatic identification of plotting parameters based on information from autoparams.json default: None freq : astropy GHz, optional frequency in GHz needed for scaling maps when using a model object input default: None nside : int, optional optional ud_grading of the input data default: None size : float, optional Size of square in degrees default: 20 sample : float, optional Specify sample if passing chain default: -1 min : float, optional Min value default: None max : float, optional Max value default: None ticks : list or str, optional Ticks for colorbar default: None rng : float, optional Sets this value as min and max value. If specified, overwrites autodetector. default: None llabel : str, optional Sets the upper left title. Has LaTeX functionaliity (ex. $A_{s}$.) default: None rlabel : str, optional Sets the upper right title. Has LaTeX functionaliity (ex. $A_{s}$.) default: None unit : str, optional Unit label for colorbar default: None cmap : str, optional Colormap (ex. sunburst, planck, jet). Both matplotliib and cmasher available as of now. Also supports qualitative plotly map, [ex. q-Plotly-4 (q for qualitative 4 for max color)] Sets planck as default. default: None graticule : bool add graticule default: False norm : str, matplotlib norm object, optional if norm=='linear': normal if norm=='log': Uses log10 scale Normalizes data using a semi-logscale linear between -1 and 1. Autodetector uses this sometimes, you will be warned. SPECIFY linthresh for linear threshold of symlog! default: None cbar : bool, optional Toggles the colorbar cbar : True cbar_pad : float, optioinal default: 0.04 cbar_shrink : float, optional default: 0.7 fwhm : astropy arcmin/rad/deg, optional Optional map smoothing. FWHM of gaussian smoothing in arcmin. default: 0.0 remove_dip : bool, optional If mdmask is specified, fits and removes a dipole. default: True remove_mono : bool, optional If mdmask is specified, fits and removes a monopole. default: True fontsize : int, optional Size of labels default: None figsize : touple, optional size of figure default: None xsize : int, optional width of figure in pixels default: 1000 darkmode : bool, optional turn all axis elements white for optimal dark visualization default: False sub : int, scalar or sequence, optional Use only a zone of the current figure (same syntax as subplot). Default: None hold : bool, optional If True, replace the current Axes by a MollweideAxes. use this if you want to have multiple maps on the same figure. Default: False reuse_axes : bool, optional If True, reuse the current Axes (should be a MollweideAxes). This is useful if you want to overplot with a partially transparent colormap, such as for plotting a line integral convolution. Default: False mask : str path or np.ndarray, optional Apply a mask file to data default = None """ default_fontsize= { "xlabel": 11, "ylabel": 11, "xtick_label": 8, "ytick_label": 8, "title": 12, "cbar_label": 11, "cbar_tick_label": 9, "llabel": 11, "rlabel": 11, } if fontsize is not None: default_fontsize.update(fontsize) # Set plotting rcParams set_style(darkmode) reso = size * 60 / xsize # Get data m, comp, freq, nside = get_data(input, sig, comp, freq, fwhm, nside=nside, sample=sample) m = if remove_dip: m = hp.remove_dipole(m, gal_cut=30, copy=True, verbose=True) if remove_mono: m = hp.remove_monopole(m, gal_cut=30, copy=True, verbose=True) proj = hp.projector.GnomonicProj(rot=[lon, lat, 0.0], coord="G", xsize=xsize, ysize=xsize, reso=reso) reproj_im = proj.projmap(m, vec2pix_func=partial(hp.vec2pix, nside)) mask = (reproj_im == hp.UNSEEN) reproj_im =, mask=mask) # Pass all your arguments in, return parsed plotting parameters params = get_params( data=reproj_im, comp=comp, sig=sig, rlabel=rlabel, llabel=llabel, unit=unit, ticks=ticks, min=min, max=max, rng=rng, norm=norm, cmap=cmap, freq_ref=freq, width=figsize[0], nside=nside, ) # Semi-log normalization if params["norm"] == "log": params["data"], params["ticks"] = apply_logscale(params["data"], params["ticks"], linthresh=1) cmap = load_cmap(params["cmap"]) cmap.set_bad('gray') fig, ax = make_fig(figsize, None, hold, sub, reuse_axes) image = plt.imshow( params["data"], origin="lower", interpolation="nearest", vmin=np.min(params["ticks"]), vmax=np.max(params["ticks"]), cmap=cmap, ) # Galaxy-brain inverse of data color colors = image.cmap(image.norm((params["data"]))) llabel_color = (1, 1, 1, 2) - np.mean(colors[int(xsize * 0.9) : int(xsize * 0.95), int(xsize * 0.05) : int(xsize * 0.15)], axis=(0, 1)) rlabel_color = (1, 1, 1, 2) - np.mean(colors[int(xsize * 0.9) : int(xsize * 0.95), int(xsize * 0.85) : int(xsize * 0.95)], axis=(0, 1)) plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.text( 0.95, 0.95, params["rlabel"], color=rlabel_color, va="top", ha="right", transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=default_fontsize["title"], ) plt.text( 0.05, 0.95, params["llabel"], color=llabel_color, va="top", transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=default_fontsize["title"], ) if cbar: apply_colorbar( plt.gcf(), plt.gca(), image, params["ticks"], params["ticklabels"], params["unit"], fontsize=default_fontsize, linthresh=1, norm=params["norm"], cbar_pad=cbar_pad, cbar_shrink=cbar_shrink, ) if graticule: hp.graticule() return image, params